Convert all or parts of the string to lowercase.

Twine\Str::lowercase( [ string $mode = Twine\Config\Lowercase::ALL ] ) : Twine\Str


$mode A lowercase mode flag

Available lowercase modes:

Twine\Config\Lowercase::ALL Lowercase all characters of the string
Twine\Config\Lowercase::FIRST Lowercase the first character of the string
Twine\Config\Lowercase::WORDS Lowercase the first character of each word of the string


$string = new Twine\Str('JOHN PINKERTON');

        $string->lowercase(); // Returns 'john pinkerton'
        $string->lowercase(Twine\Config\Lowercase::FIRST); // Returns 'jOHN PINKERTON'
        $string->lowercase(Twine\Config\Lowercase::WORDS); // Returns 'jOHN pINKERTON'
$string = new Twine\Str('JOHN PINKERTON');

        $string->lowercaseFirst(); // Returns 'jOHN PINKERTON'
$string = new Twine\Str('JOHN PINKERTON');

        $string->lowercaseWords(); // Returns 'jOHN pINKERTON'


Twine\Str::lowercaseFirst() = Twine\Str::lowercase(Twine\Config\Lowercase::FIRST)
Twine\Str::lowercaseWords() = Twine\Str::lowercase(Twine\Config\Lowercase::WORDS)