Remove white space or a specific set of characters from the beginning and/or end of the string.

Twine\Str::trim( [ string $mask = " \t\n\r\0\x0B" [, string $mode = Config\Trim::BOTH ]] ) : Twine\Str


$mask A list of characters to be stripped
$mode A trim mode flag

Available trim modes:

Twine\Config\Trim::BOTH Trim characters from the beginning and end of the string
Twine\Config\Trim::LEFT Only trim characters from the beginning of the string
Twine\Config\Trim::RIGHT Only trim characters from the end of the string


$string = new Twine\Str('  john pinkerton    ');

        $string->trim(); // Returns 'john pinkerton'
        $string->trim(Twine\Config\Trim::LEFT); // Returns 'john pinkerton    '
        $string->trim(Twine\Config\Trim::RIGHT); // Returns '  john pinkerton'
$string = new Twine\Str('john pinkerton');

        $string->trim('jton'); // Returns 'hn pinker'
$string = new Twine\Str('  john pinkerton    ');

        $string->trimLeft(); // Returns 'john pinkerton    '
$string = new Twine\Str('  john pinkerton    ');

        $string->trimRight(); // Returns '  john pinkerton'


Twine\Str::trimLeft($mask) = Twine\Str::trim($mask, Twine\Config\Trim::LEFT)
Twine\Str::trimRight($mask) = Twine\Str::trim($mask, Twine\Config\Trim::RIGHT)